Other Uses for a "Fee Study"
What many readers think of as a “Fee Study” was created by RCS (née Management Services Institute) back in 1980. We called the “Study” a...
Other Uses for a "Fee Study"
What is a Defensible Impact Fee Nexus?
California Development Impact Fee AB 602 Website Requirements
Update your Building Revenues without changing your Building Fees
Budgetary Pitfalls - Revisited
Negative Development Impact - It was bound to happen
CSMFO Conference
Every City needs a Master Facility Plan
Let the Council decide
Comparing Your Fees to Other Cities?
Just be yourself and don’t compare
Where is the General Plan Financial Element?
The Echo City
Next Steps After a Fee Update
CAP Changes Affecting the FBHR
Independent Audits of Impact Fee Receipts
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, Let's go meet in my room
CSMFO Conference
Can Impact Fees Cover Operational Costs?
A Discussion of Development Impact Fees