The SimpliCity Budget System is a complete package that includes:
Personnel Budget (connects to your Payroll System)
Finally have a Personnel Budget that is part of your budget system and will automatically make your salaries and benefit expenditure accounts balance to the budgeted positions.
Expenditure Account Budget
Easy-to-use input screens will allow departments to input their budget expenditures and only their expenditures.
Revenue Account Budget
Run different scenarios both at a department level and agency wide level to determine the effects of differing revenue levels.
Capital Budget
Allows the departments to input and prioritize the capital projects with a detailed description and multi-year expenses.
Long Range Financial Plan
Run different scenarios to project the long-term financial health of your agency.
Budget Document Preparation
Produce a custom budget document with text and schedules.
Included in Separate Modules:
Capital Facility Plan
Detail your agency's plan for its capital assets to build-out. This plan will help guide the spending decisions in the year-to-year capital budgets.
Capital Impact Fee Calculation
Use the information in the Capital Facility Plan to determine the share that should be paid for by new development.
Operational Fee Calculation
Use the budgeted salary and cost information to allocate costs to services provided to the public and develop fees for those services where appropriate. Can also be used to develop Performance Management information.
Cost Allocation Plan
Use the budgeted salary and cost information to allocate administrative support costs to Enterprise and Special Revenue funds.