Budgetary Pitfalls - Revisited
As most of you are neck deep in your budget, we thought we would remind you about some budgetary pitfalls that we have experienced over the years.
If your city has been diligent about raising fees to match increasing costs, watch out for legislative efforts to cut positions in fee-producing activities as it may decrease the cost of the fee service. In California, that would require reducing the fee.
If your city has a cost allocation plan to allocate general fund administrative costs to other funds, watch out for attempts to directly charge positions that are already in the allocations to those other funds. You might be charging the other fund twice for the same position.
Watch for departments that want to defer on-going maintenance as this could lead to greater financial demands in the future when revenue is even less available but the deferred maintenance needs have piled up.
HOAs vs. Others – most cities have imposed Home Owner Associations on new development to avoid providing street maintenance and street sweeping in those areas. In other words, HOAs are paying taxes to provide “others” with services that they don’t receive. Is your agency near the tipping point where there are enough HOAs to change the “game.”
Pay attention to the reimbursement schedule for grants and other repayments for work undertaken by your city. A grant project that is completed in say April, May or June of one Fiscal Year, may not be reimbursed until the following Fiscal Year. This also holds true for some other revenues. It is imperative that the flow of various revenues is understood so that they are neither over nor under estimated.
Provide those within the organization the incentive to raise their fees routinely. Cities that have assigned revenues to operating departments have generally gotten more buy-in for rate increases.
Start looking for replacement costs that hit hard every few years (i.e. community center chairs, tables, carpet, etc.) and try to even them out over time. Instead of dealing with a cost of $100,000 every five years, consider replacing $20,000 of the needs every year.
Check all reimbursements due from other agencies, even the most mundane like any shared intersection reimbursement agreements with contiguous agencies.
Remember that your water consumption charge is likely to contain some of the utility’s fixed costs. If consumption has gone down due to recent rain, your agency may not be able to meet its fixed cost obligations without possibly significant rate increases.
If your agency adopted a sewer fee that was based on water consumption, the same reduced water consumption could also affect the financial viability of your sewer fund.
Increased water flow into the sewer/storm drain system may decrease the need for ways to “clean” the sewer system but increase the need for storm drainage maintenance. Make sure your maintenance staff is considering this issue and be supportive.
Pressure to raise utility fees because of decreased consumption may discourage your agency from continuing its on-going capital replacement program. Be proactive by discussing the consequences of deferred replacement.
This may be a good time to identify capital projects that reduce the demand on water and the wastage of water, leaky pipes, uncovered water sources, old style watering devices, etc. Perhaps the water agency (either your own or any separate one) may be able to finance water saving projects in city buildings and parks.
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